
The information contained on his website (the service) is for general information purposes only.

We assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents on the service. In our coverage of various products, we do our best to thoroughly research before making any judgement or recommendations. We do not buy and / or test every product, and frequently rely on aggregating user reviews to assess a product. Due to this limitation, we aim to recommend products with many reviews (at least 100) in order to minimize the risk of statistical outliers or products with fake / compromised reviews.


To minimize our exposure to potential viruses or hacks, we use minimal plugins and 3rd party services. However, we are not liable for any breach of data that could occur, but we will notify users if such a breach does occur either directly to our website or a service attached to it.

Affiliate Disclaimer

This affiliate disclosure details the affiliate relationships we have with other companies and products.

Some of the links on this site are “affiliate links”, a link with a special tracking code. This means if you click on an affiliate link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission. The price items is the same whether an affiliate link is used or not. We strive to only recommend products or services we believe will add value to our readers. Affiliate programs offer varying commission rates, however we refuse to suggest or recommend products based solely on these rates.

By using the affiliate links, you are helping support us.

Affiliate advertising programs that the Service uses include:

  • Skimlinks


This site may use 3rd party advertising in the future, and will update this section accordingly. These parties may independently collect data and analytics per their own policies.